We love a good chin wag at Energy Communications, we’re up for any type of chat, whether that be a suggested post, a comment on one of our articles, some advice or even an experience or tip you’d like to share!
Building up a community and getting everyone talking about the energy that we use is super important in making the topic more widely discussed and making the industry more open to change.
We can be reached via the contact form below when you’re ready to take the first step, or lurk around on the blogs until you want to talk. We’re friendly, I promise!
We are also accepting guest posts right now and you can use the box below to enquire about that too. Alternatively, you can read our full guidelines here for more information. As well a guest post spots, we have advertising space available for rent (hey, a blogger has to make a living somehow!), speak to us and we’ll talk about what we can do for each other.
If you would like to find out more information about Energy Communications or would like to write for us, please get in touch via the contact form below.
Write for us
We are now accepting guest posts! It’s so easy to get caught up in life and neglect the regular posting that we promise (sorry guys, we’re trying to be better!). You can help us with this!
If you’re a dab hand at writing and have a genuine and useful opinion about anything related to our blog, we’d love for you to get involved and submit a post to our site!
It’s not even that hard, we welcome writing from all types of people with all types of opinions – just don’t be offensive or mean in your copy, and try not to get us into legal trouble!
There are a few recommendations, but remember – rules are meant to be broken!
Try to make the piece:
- 500 words or more
- Relevant to the other content on the site
- Useful
- Search engine optimised
- Well written, with next to no editing needed
- Written with a friendly tone that is welcoming to readers
Topics accepted
- Clean Energy
- Electric
- Gas
- Home Energy
- Oil
And there you have it, you’re ready to submit (I told you we weren’t fussy)
We’re just trying to post regularly with quality and relevant posts, we need you to help us bring varied and interesting content to our readers.
You can include a link to your own site as well, a referring link from a high authority site (such as Energy Communications!) can help your site look better and can help you climb to the top of Google’s pages!
So get in touch and let’s see if you’ve got what it takes!