Why We Need to Wean Ourselves off Our Dependence on Oil

eco friendly tech blog

Quite correctly dubbed “black gold,” crude oil has so many uses that one would have thought the world would have run out of resources by now. I mean we use oil for so many different things, not least of which is as a fuel source, often refined into many different types of fuels. In addition […]

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Coal Powered Energy Production – Putting it into Perspective

eco-friendly tech blog

I don’t know how often it happens to you or indeed if it happens to you at all, but oftentimes one only really starts to think about where their energy comes from when the power is out. “If only I had a backup generator or two,” is a thought that comes to mind, only to […]

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Why Fracking is a Bad Idea in the Long Run

eco friendly tech blog

With this particular topic and in this particular instance I have no qualms at all about being considered to be a bit of a conspiracy theory loon, quite simply because I stand firm on my belief that fracking is in no way a solution to our energy needs. The conspiracy-entertaining part comes into play from […]

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