A Bigger Picture Approach to Reducing Your Energy Bill

eco friendly tech blog

There are some triggering events which spike the energy bill and even though generally speaking there a few such events, unfortunately by the time we feel their effects it’s too late to try and do anything about them. If you perhaps have kids who are living away from home at boarding school or uni, for example, you only really notice that the energy bill has gone up once the holidays are over and they’ve since left again.

The same applies to visitors who come over, taking extra long showers and the likes, so too the change of season. The colder months of autumn and winter in particular often add a considerable amount to any energy bill, naturally because we tend to use more power for the heating. However, it’s not just about turning up the thermostat, but the efficiency of your heating system can play an important role. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can make a difference. Investing in professional heating repair services can ensure that your system runs smoothly and efficiently, reducing energy consumption and keeping your home warm without breaking the bank. Let’s not forget that we tend to enjoy taking more frequent baths or spending more time in the shower, in addition to, eating more and subsequently cooking for longer and bigger meals.

For those who rely on propane for heating, keeping a steady supply throughout the winter months is just as important as maintaining the heating system itself. Running low on propane in the middle of a cold spell can be a real hassle, so arranging deliveries in advance with a reliable provider like Seabreeze Propane can help prevent any unexpected shortages. Ensuring your tank is regularly topped up will keep your home warm and your heating system running efficiently, ultimately saving you from higher energy costs and unnecessary stress during peak winter demand.

In the case that you have a furnace or a boiler as your home’s heating system, you would need ample amount of heating oil (similar to providers like Romeo’s Fuel on Long Island) to last the winter months. But if you have a hot tub or a heated pool then these costs associated with energy use over the colder months can hit the stratosphere, but either way, you only really start thinking about doing something about it when it’s way too late, or is it too late? If you prefer, you can begin looking for appliances that consume less electricity. You can also consider taking the help of alternative energy sources such as solar power that might be able to provide enough energy to operate swimming pool heat pump systems or other high energy-consuming appliances.

Infrastructural changes

Changing some of your household infrastructure as well as the appliances you use can go a long way in reducing your energy bill, with more modern appliances designed to consume less energy while working more efficiently. As far as the bigger changes go, yes, adding something like under-floor heating (preceded by removing the tiles and then followed by having them reinstalled) costs a bit of money and doesn’t come cheap, so too adding some modern insulation to your walls, but these are just two infrastructural changes which can consistently shave off small savings on your energy bill, which as you know can add up quite considerably over the decades you naturally plan to spend living in your home.

Plan for next season

The arrival of the unusually high bill makes for the perfect time for you to put into place a plan to save on your energy, simply because at this particular time everything which contributed to the spike in the bill is still very fresh in your mind, or you at least have a very good idea of exactly what it is which could be causing the spike. Some causes for an increased energy bill cannot be combated though, such as the fact that you need to keep yourself warm during the bitterly cold winters. However, it may be possible that your air conditioner or heater is old and outdated and cause the energy bills to rise. You can contact an HVAC company (like https://macvik.com/air-conditioning/ac-tune-up/) that can inform you whether your cooling system needs a tune-up or replacement. They can also suggest the best energy-efficient air conditioning options that you can find in the market.

Planning to use less energy for next year can only go so far, but it’s definitely something which should be explored, but you also need to reduce your usage when drawing on the power you use doesn’t have the bill hitting the roof, so you can save by switching unnecessary lights off for example and not just resolving to use less power when you really need to use it.
