How Does Electricity Work?

The term “electricity” can mean two things in our language. It can refer to electrical energy and also the power supplied by electric motors to work on something. Electrical energy is energy obtained from kinetic energy or electric potential energy stored in some kind of a battery. When utilized, loosely speaking, electricity refers to energy that has already been converted into electrical energy from some kind of a battery. This happens when a person moves his arm and “pings” his fingers together as if chopping wood.

There are a number of ways in which electricity can be transmitted and received. One such way is by way of electromagnetic transmission. In this process electric energy is passed from a source on one end to a receiver on the other end. Generally, the most common form of such transmission is by means of electrical telegraphs. However, other forms such as radio and telecommunication signal transmission have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Electromagnetic transmission passes through a line connecting two points. The two points are called transmitting points and receiving points. The electric current which is passed through the wire is called electric power. This electric power is then converted into direct current (DC). This is a type of electrical current in which the sender doesn’t need any intermediate conductor to make it conduct and the receiver doesn’t need any source of potential difference to make it emit its electric current.

In order to conserve energy, electric energy is usually sent in series. For example, in a telephone line, the current that is produced by a telephone at one point is transformed into alternating current (AC) at another point. The number of alternating currents produced is known as its voltage.

The transmission and handling of electricity requires skilled tradespeople known as electricians. Electricians install, maintain and repair electrical infrastructure and systems in residential, commercial and industrial facilities. There are different types of electricians that specialize in different aspects of electrical work.

Residential electricians, similar to those at ML Electrical and Garage, usually focus on wiring and electrical systems in homes and other dwellings. Their main job is to install wiring, breaker boxes, outlets, switches, and other components to connect appliances and devices to power sources. Residential electricians are trained in national and local building codes to ensure safe and functional electrical systems. Their skills are essential for new construction as well as maintenance and upgrades in existing homes.

Commercial electricians deal with more complex electrical demands in office buildings, retail stores, warehouses and other commercial spaces. They install connections to heavy equipment, security systems, data networks, phone systems, backup generators, and sustainable energy systems like solar panels. Commercial electricians must be adept at working with large-scale electrical plans and distributing power across large facilities.

Within these residential and commercial electricians there are further distinctions. Apprentice electricians are still in training under a licensed journeyman or master electrician. Journeyman electricians hold a state license certifying them to work independently. Master electricians have additional training and can manage electrical projects, workers, and apprentices.

In addition to the apprentice, journeyman, and master electrician designations, there are also more precise certification levels. Level 1 and Level 2 electricians have met testing and on-the-job requirements to prove increased competency for residential and commercial work.

Level 1 electricians are cleared for basic wiring and installations in residential and light commercial settings. They can handle setting up lighting, replacing receptacles and switches, installing backup power generators, and connecting appliances and equipment to electrical panels. Level 1 allows electricians to work on their own for basic and low-voltage projects.

Level 2 electricians demonstrate skills for more complex residential and commercial systems. Their certification permits work on intricate wiring systems, three-phase equipment, emergency systems, distribution panels, and other advanced tasks. A Level 2 Electrician can also supervise Level 1 electricians as well as apprentices.

The Level 1 and Level 2 distinctions allow for a tiered system of demonstrated expertise. Clients, employers and licensing boards can understand the scope of work and specialization electricians at each level bring to a job site. Proper certification promotes safety and high-quality electrical work across different building sites and types of electrical projects.

If we look back in history, we can observe that people did produce large quantities of electric energy but were prohibited from trading these electric energy for more useful goods. People were prohibited from passing their extra apple juice down the sink for fear that there would be plenty of competition. The logic was that they would be destroyed along with the apple juice! Similarly, the electric current was limited because there was not enough potential energy to exploit.

However, we don’t live in the 1950’s and the potential for energy is unlimited. We have unlimited potential energy if we use it wisely. One of the ways we can exploit this unlimited potential energy is by harnessing electrical energy for domestic use. There are different methods for harnessing this electrical energy which have been developed over the years.

The first method of harnessing electrical energy was by conducting electric currents through wires attached to household items such as the television. This method worked well but it wasn’t practical for long. Wires take up a lot of space and the household items can’t be stored very well. Also, this electrical energy needed to be changed on a regular basis. It also didn’t pay to send power out to far distances and there were many problems associated with the production of electrical energy.

The second method, which was used was the production of electrons by passing electrical current through some kind of catalyst. When the electric current passes through the catalyst, the electrons travel about and come in contact with molecules. The molecules absorb the electrons and store them. The number of electrons that are absorbed depends upon the concentration of the catalyst. So, when more electrons are added, you have more electrical energy and you can use it to power things in your home.

But there’s a problem with the apple. The apple has to be put in a dish in order for anyone to be able to look at it. If you put the apple in an enclosure, no one can look at it. And if you don’t have an enclosure, there’s no way for the apple to absorb the electric energy. So, although there may have been some amount of energy available from the apple, you would have had to produce that energy yourself using something like a battery or something similar.

But, now we have another potential energy source. We have kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is actually equal to the torque of an object. So, if you take an object and spin it, you will get some amount of electric energy. And if you attach a spring to the end of the object, you will be able to take that spring and apply some kind of force to make the object move.

Now, this may not be much different than electric power, but it does take a little bit more work. You have to put the spring in an appropriate location. You also have to balance the amount of force with the distance from the center of the earth. However, once you’ve figured that out, it turns into a potential energy source. So, now we have two ways to generate electricity; the use of kinetic energy and the use of potential energy.


The concept of electricity encompasses both electrical energy and power generated by electric motors. Electrical energy is derived from kinetic or electric potential energy stored in batteries. It can be utilized when a person moves, such as chopping wood, generating electricity. Transmission methods include electromagnetic transmission, commonly used in telegraphy, radio, and telecommunications. In this process, electricity passes through a line connecting transmitting and receiving points.

That being said, a skilled handyman in Brownsburg, IN or elsewhere who is adept at electrical work can ensure safe and functional electrical systems in homes and businesses. They often specialize in wiring, breaker boxes, outlets, and switches, adhering to national and local building codes. (Note: different types of electricians exist, including residential and commercial, with varying levels of expertise from apprentice to master.)

Put simply, harnessing electrical energy has evolved from conducting currents through wires to the production of electrons through catalysts or kinetic energy. These methods offer diverse opportunities for generating electricity, with the potential for limitless energy usage if managed wisely. Despite historical limitations, modern advancements have unlocked new possibilities for harnessing electricity efficiently and sustainably.