With more and more people becoming conscious of our environment and the influence we have on it, we are looking for new ways to change the way we dispose of daily waste. There has been a rise in conservation efforts all across the world, but it is still not enough. Sometimes the answers are right in front of us. With new and advanced technologies coming out every year giving us new phones and cars, it’s time to take a look at how technology can solve polluting waste disposal systems.
Time to dump the carriage
Every week it’s the same routine, residents haul bags or bins onto the street and in the morning the disposal truck picks up the bags and takes it to the ever-growing landfill. This type of waste system has essentially been in place for thousands of years, even dating back to the Romans. Just because something has worked in society doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be examined for better alternatives. We don’t even have to look further than our bathrooms for the future of waste disposal. Sewer systems have been in place for hundreds of years which has provided cleanliness and convenience to people, cities, and countries. With some planning and updates to infrastructure, the same structure could be implemented to waste disposal and recycling.
Several waste hubs could be built into the streets of areas that would allow residents to take out their rubbish at their convenience. The waste would then be automatically transported to a central waste location determined by each city or town. These hubs could even take a step further by having dedicated “feeds” for each type of waste. One for compostable material, one for glass, one for recyclable material, and then one for general waste. These hubs would help people become more mindful of their waste and aid cities in quickly separating materials to be recycled or even turned into power.
A positive ripple effect
Using new technology on waste will not only help our environment directly but indirectly as well. Without the need for bagging rubbish, we can greatly decrease the production of millions of non-biodegradable rubbish bags. There would also not be a need for all of the rubbish trucks that damage and wear roads, require costly maintenance, and produce polluting emissions. By using new technology and adopting innovative systems we can reduce the size of landfills, minimize plastic production, and decrease vehicle emissions that contribute to greenhouse gases.
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