Coal Powered Energy Production – Putting it into Perspective

eco-friendly tech blog

I don’t know how often it happens to you or indeed if it happens to you at all, but oftentimes one only really starts to think about where their energy comes from when the power is out. “If only I had a backup generator or two,” is a thought that comes to mind, only to […]

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A Bigger Picture Approach to Reducing Your Energy Bill

eco friendly tech blog

There are some triggering events which spike the energy bill and even though generally speaking there a few such events, unfortunately by the time we feel their effects it’s too late to try and do anything about them. If you perhaps have kids who are living away from home at boarding school or uni, for […]

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Is it Possible to Live Completely off the Grid?

eco friendly tech blog

Well, the short answer is yes, it is indeed possible to live completely off the grid, but I’m pretty sure you want to know a whole lot more about how one can realistically go about doing it. While technically speaking living off the grid completely implies complete independence from the electricity which is supplied via […]

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Do You Prefer to Cook with Gas or Electricity?

eco friendly tech blog

Whenever I watch some TV shows which feature people searching for new homes to move into, I just can’t help conducting a little energy efficiency analysis on the fly, from the little I can pick up of course. One particular show of this kind I really like is House Hunters International, and in most cases, […]

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