The newest technology used in waste disposal systems and how they can help the planet

With more and more people becoming conscious of our environment and the influence we have on it, we are looking for new ways to change the way we dispose of daily waste. There has been a rise in conservation efforts all across the world, but it is still not enough. Sometimes the answers are right […]

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The Basics of Gas Safety in the workplace

It is essential that workplaces install proper health and safety practices for gas related aspects of the workplace. Incorrect installation can lead to explosions, fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. One of the first steps towards ensuring you are complying with current gas legislation is to work out who is competent to carry out maintenance on […]

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9 Best Ways To Naturally Get Energized

Go to the store, and you will see a variety of vitamins, herbs and other supplements called energy enhancers. Some are even added to soft drinks and other foods. However, there is little or no scientific evidence that energy enhancers such as ginseng, guarana and chromium picolinate really work. Fortunately, you can do some things […]

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The Advantages of Fitting a New Air Conditioning System

Are you thinking about installing a new air conditioner? Is your old unit not working as effectively as before? If your old AC unit is still working, just not as well as before, it may just need a repair. Repairs are often more affordable than new AC units and they can be completed pretty quickly. […]

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4 top eco-friendly hotels in Las Vegas

If you think of Las Vegas your first thought is unlikely to be ‘environmentally friendly’, but many of the city’s top hotels have worked hard to become some of the eco-friendliest in the world. Vegas is built around tourism and travel and while many businesses still haven’t adopted any sustainable eco-friendly practices, the likes of […]

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Environmental Concerns When Choosing a House To Buy

There are a lot of different factors that go into your choice of which house to purchase. Price and location are big ones, but for people who are trying to concern themselves with environmental sustainability and energy use, some of the priorities might be a little bit different. Then there can be other ecological concerns […]

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How Greenhouses are Causing Cooler Weather

eco friendly tech blog

When one thinks about greenhouses, the “greenhouse” effect naturally comes to mind, which as you’ll probably know is the heating up of the earth due to gasses in the atmosphere trapping the heat received by the earth from the sun and therefore causing global warming as one of the effects. With a proper greenhouse, this […]

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