Environmental Concerns When Choosing a House To Buy

There are a lot of different factors that go into your choice of which house to purchase. Price and location are big ones, but for people who are trying to concern themselves with environmental sustainability and energy use, some of the priorities might be a little bit different. Then there can be other ecological concerns […]

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How Greenhouses are Causing Cooler Weather

When one thinks about greenhouses, the “greenhouse” effect naturally comes to mind, which as you’ll probably know is the heating up of the earth due to gasses in the atmosphere trapping the heat received by the earth from the sun and therefore causing global warming as one of the effects. With a proper greenhouse, this […]

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Why We Need to Wean Ourselves off Our Dependence on Oil

Quite correctly dubbed “black gold,” crude oil has so many uses that one would have thought the world would have run out of resources by now. I mean we use oil for so many different things, not least of which is as a fuel source, often refined into many different types of fuels. In addition […]

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Exploring the Next Phase for Electric Car Development

When the idea first caught on as a real possibility in eventually replacing internal combustion engine cars, electric cars were still in for quite the period of testing and refinement in their development. Naturally, some feathers in the oil industry were ruffled and a lot of noise was made around how ineffective electric cars are […]

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Combating Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is in a sense a built-in limitation of the lifespan of products and even services, famously exposed around a sort of collusion in the light-bulb mass production industry. Apparently, it was light-bulb manufacturers who came together to discuss and implement ways through which they could all limit the number of hours each of […]

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It’s all about Efficiency with Alternative Energy Sources

Before anyone jumps head-first into any investments in greener, cleaner energy sources, which are undeniably still a bit expensive on the individual consumer level, you need to keep in mind that efficiency is the ultimate goal. Mother Nature doesn’t know that your resolution to go paperless for example is with the aim of living a […]

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Coal Powered Energy Production – Putting it into Perspective

I don’t know how often it happens to you or indeed if it happens to you at all, but oftentimes one only really starts to think about where their energy comes from when the power is out. “If only I had a backup generator or two,” is a thought that comes to mind, only to […]

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